Tuesday, April 13, 2010


[The following is an excerpt from my second darshan with Osho in 1976.]

JEEVAN ( a middle-aged extrovert American woman): The group (Aum) was very difficult for me.... I have a lot of love for everyone I meet, and like to show it. But I feel misunderstood.

OSHO: Never be too worried about that – because if you want to share your love, don’t make it a condition that it should be understood. Love has become such a rare thing in the world that nobody understands it. Misunderstanding is more possible than understanding.

People have become suspicious, and they have their own ideas about love. Nobody takes love naturally. There are always some notions, some ideas, some fears, some suspicions. Nobody can believe that love can be simply for no reason at all. They think that there must be some motivation, some motive behind it – otherwise why should someone be sharing his love? They think according to their own minds. They show love only when they have something to get out of it. They use love as a means. Whenever they come across a person who is not using love as a means, they are bound to misunderstand. But for their misunderstanding, you need not be miserable. That is their problem – let them be miserable.

You simply go on sharing. How can you help it? If you say that you will love people only when everybody understands, then you will create impossible barriers for your mind; you will not be able to share. So go on sharing, because that is your enjoyment. It is others’ fate if they cannot accept and understand it; it is their karma. So feel pity for them and forgive them.

Even this much asking is asking. If you have to give love, give it – with no strings attached, not even that it should be understood, mm? You simply enjoy it.

Excerpted from: Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle, a darshan diary, March 1976

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